I’m not writing for you anymore. And, I’ll be honest, I never really wanted to. I wanted to write for me. It was a totally selfish act.
When I first started writing books it was a way to escape the pressures of my day job. I’d sit by myself for hours without a clue as to what I was doing. I didn’t know if what I was writing was any good, or if any one was going to like it, and it didn’t matter. I liked it.
Now, a few years later I have the pressure of a thousand eyes on me as I write. And no one likes people looking over their shoulder when they type.
So I’m going to be writing for myself again. I never tried to write a book that would sell. I never tried to write a book that would be popular. I wrote as an escape from a routine I didn’t enjoy. And I think it was better that way.
Lately I’ve found myself thinking too much about what would sell. I’ve been watching the rankings. I’ve been studying trends. I’ve been trying to crack the Da Vinci code that is the world of publishing. And, that isn’t any fun.
So, I’m not doing it anymore. That being said, there’s plenty of new stuff on the way but, I’m just going to focus on writing stories I enjoy filled with jokes that I find funny.
I’m not writing for you anymore, but I hope you enjoy it.
Well said. If you don’t enjoy doing what you’re doing, then why do it?
I write first for the love of it. Even if I never made a penny from writing, I’d still keep at it.
So many stores to tell, so little time.
Right. It’s all for the love of the tale.
I’m not saying fame and fortune wouldn’t be nice.
Well, the fortune. I don’t really want the fame.
Yep. Dollars are good. And I’ve been told that when you do what you love, you put more effort into it, and those little greenback rascals eventually follow.
“We’re not just doing this for money. We’re doing it for a shitload of money.” -Lone Starr
That’s a PILE of $, all right!
Okay. that’s: So many STORIES to tell!
And, I guess, stores, too, if we’re looking to make a buck! GRIN~