I only discovered the Discworld novels a couple of years ago and I’ve got some catching up to do. That’s why I’ll be reading Sourcery by Sir Terry Pratchett this week. It’s one of the four books in this Rincewind the Wizard collection.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the reading the series is a daunting task. There are 41 novels written over 32 years and I’ve read six:
I’m not sure what my plan was when I started as there are several recommended ways to approach this trove. But this year I’ve decided to stick with the truest path and read them in order of publication. I know there are some great ones to get to later in the series and I am tempted to jump ahead. But I’ll try to control myself and move back to the fifth book in the series.
Reading AND THE REST IS HISTORY by Jodi Taylor. Fantastic!!!!👍
Definitely stick to reading in order of publication, the world obviously evolved as you’d expect over time. You really are lucky in some ways to be able to read the Discworld series without having to wait 32 yrs. Enjoy.
Finished Crossroads of the Apocalypse (NICE WORK) and Home by Shawn Chesser last week. Started Florida Man by Mike Baron, and finishing up the Killer Collective by Barry Eisler.