As you probably guessed, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about the apocalypse. Not because I’m plotting which building will be my Omega Man fortress in the event the entire population becomes a race of nocturnal mole people (Dallas Federal Reserve building – if it’s not locked) but because of my books.

In all of that thinking, I’ve always imagined the start of the apocalypse sounding like “kaboom,” “kadoosh,” or at least a slow hiss or mumbled “whoops.” But, I was wrong—this is the sound that will begin the apocalypse.


That sound is Nasciturus, a piece composed by Iamus in one second. Iamus is a computer. Computers are now creating art. Granted it’s not very good art. (I guess that’s subjective. And, true, it is the best orchestral piece I’ve ever heard that was composed by a computer.)

Iamus composed this and several other pieces with zero human input other than it’s initial programming. It’s first album, most likely entitled Soundtrack of Your Demise, was recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra like the meat-puppets Iamus no doubt sees us as.

So, that’s it. We had a good run but the machines are taking over. Who would have thought Skynet would arrive with a harpsichord?

Some of you may be comforting yourself with the thought, “They’ll still need people to play the music and I’m a flautist. I’ll be just fine.” Obviously you haven’t seen the other latest bit of robot music news:


Quite clearly, we’re all doomed. And, really, flautist? Just say you play the flute. You’re just making it weird for people.


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