Mad Science and Booze

Mad Science and Booze

I’ve never read any of Henry Kuttner’s work before. I didn’t even know about him until recently. His stuff is available as ebooks so he’s hardly one lost to history. But reading what other sci-fi legends have to say about him—I am Legend is...
The park of the future (ca. 1979)

The park of the future (ca. 1979)

Crichton did it first. As far as I can tell, Westworld was the original fantasy theme park gone awry story. He cemented his claim to the genre 17 years later with Jurassic Park. But Dream Park by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes seems to be the first book where there’s...
Of Course You Realize…

Of Course You Realize…

I can’t reread books. Even my favorites. I just never been able to do it. But I start each year with a quick reread of The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Like anything, writing has its up and downs. And when you hit the down periods, it seems pretty pathetic to...


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