My journey through the Discworld series has brought me here to Moving Pictures. The tenth book in the publishing order and the twelfth I’ve read. Since I went back and started at the beginning I can say they just keep getting better and better and I’m...
I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I didn’t discover the Discworld books until just a couple of years ago. And since there’s 40 something of them, I’ve got a way to go. I jumped around for a bit at first and read some Death books and the City Watch novels. But I’ve...
I can’t reread books. Even my favorites. I just never been able to do it. But I start each year with a quick reread of The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Like anything, writing has its up and downs. And when you hit the down periods, it seems pretty pathetic to...
I only discovered the Discworld novels a couple of years ago and I’ve got some catching up to do. That’s why I’ll be reading Sourcery by Sir Terry Pratchett this week. It’s one of the four books in this Rincewind the Wizard collection. I don’t think it’s...
It's a collection of short stories about time travel, alien invasions, selling homes in alternate dimensions, giant combiner robots, post-apocalyptic beagles and much more. And it's all read by the amazing Phil Thron.