I said some things and I’m sorry.
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Is there a topic you’d like to see covered?
If I don’t already have an opinion about it, I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
Is there a topic you’d like to see covered?
If I don’t already have an opinion about it, I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
Proofreader you say? What is this proofreader? That sounds made up.
(PS I love the dramatic mucis, er musci, I mean music.)
Love the new video, still don’t get the imposing 80’s horror movie music
Maybe squeeze in a wee bit more sarcasm..come on you can edit in a little more
I agree with Jonathan in that you are simply not making enough use of your sarcasmicity (this should be a real word!).
If you need a degree to be an author they should have one in Imagination, because THAT is what you need to write good fiction.
Liking the dramatic music.
I’m pretty sure most degrees are imaginary.
Considering that most of them seem to be as useful as a chocolate teapot I think you’re right.
That actually sounds delicious.